If you are preparing for business travel, you may be in a quandary about exactly what you need to do and why. After all, preparing for a business trip isn't quite like preparing for a pleasure trip. A business trip could be just the same as going to work with the added complication of being out of your office! Here are a few ideas to help you plan for your business trip in a way that reduces stress, supports productivity, and leaves a little room for fun!
When traveling, pack plenty of snacks and munch on them throughout the day. Snacks that keep you fuller longer are best. Some good ideas are almonds, dried fruit, cashews, whole wheat crackers, and beef jerky. When you pack snacks that fill you up, you spend less money on meals. Additionally, it sustains your energy so you can do more sight-seeing during the day.
If you don't mind the inbox clutter, sign up for airline and hotel mailing lists when planning your trip. These lists will often tell you in advance about promotions or offer coupon codes - and they're always free. These kinds of deals will go quickly, so seeing them right away gives you an edge when booking.
If you're staying in a hotel and you like coffee, don't use the tap water to make it. Instead, get some ice from the ice machine and put it in the coffee maker the night before to melt. The ice machines use filtered water so you'll get better tasting coffee!
So remember, avoiding rushing is the key to successful business travel. By planning your travel well ahead of your meetings and obligations, you will be able to save some money, relax and have a good time. See if you can take a day off before and after the trip to avoid feeling pressured and rushed. In this way, you will have a productive and enjoyable business trip.
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